1957 born in Mannheim as daughter of the land surveyor Theo Butsch

travelled extensively to Morocco and India, long-term stays in Italy, South-East Asia and Spain  – life and perception experiments before and after graduating from high school


1979-1989 Studied Philosophy | Theatre, Film and Television Studies at the Free University of Berlin | At the same time guest student at the Berlin University of the Arts | 1989 Master of Arts Freie Universität Berlin | Traineeships at the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt and at ZDF in the feature film and small television drama departments | Postgraduate studies “Directing the Documentary” at the University of London. 

Grants | Prizes | Residencies | Collections

2002 ff Studio grant from the Berlin Senate

2004 Kunstverein Bad Aibling 1st prize competition “Zwischenwasser” art in public space

2005 Artist in Residence at Lijiang Studio, Kunming, China – financed by The Ford Foundation

2016 Amy Johnson Film Festival, Hull, UK, 2nd prize International section with “Time & Space”

2017 Museum collection: Centre for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe: video documentary IRA ONE | 25 min. 47 sec. , USA/DE 1997

2021 British Film Institute, National Archive London

Professional experience

Since 1981 exhibitions | stage design | dramaturgy | photography | video | installation | pseudonyms: Mizi Niemand, Luci Fa, Dona Quixota

Since 1983 facade projections and actions in public space | independent theatre productions | editing for auteur filmmakers | traineeships | stage photography | photography for artists | videodocuments

Work with Jutta Brückner, Adolf Dresen, Renée Gundelach, Michael Klier, Wilfried Minks, Edgar Oliver, Phönix Film, Werner Schroeter, Wim Wenders. Secretary of the Berlin section of the Association of Women Film Workers (VEFI). Lectureships at the Free University Berlin, the University of the Arts Berlin | the Academy of Art and Design, Enschede (NL)

1992 – 2017 Intensive involvement with Buddhism

1995 Foundation of Ariadne Films and Ariadne Film Publishing House for Practical Philosophy and Meditation

1997 Professor for Audiovisual Production in the Media Network at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

Freelance artist and curator in the fields of photography | installation | mixed media | projections | time-based media | video documents


Professional Association of Visual Artists – bbk-berlin | GEDOK | AGRUPACIÓ FOTOGRÀFICA DE XÀBIA | VG Bild-Kunst | VGF

artist statement


moving images & videodocuments (selection)

archive | exhibitions | collections | prizes (selection)