on show: Kunstverein KunstHausPotsdam Vernissage 2. 2. 2025 – Finissage 16. 3. 2025

Videostill aus dem Loop
BUCCI IN FLUIDUM, 4’51“ LOOP 4K Video © daniela butsch | berlin 2023 composition: butoh by © dorothee schabert (2018) is a further piece of appropriation art in the work cycle of the Berlin based artist daniela butsch. The moving images were filmed in the ZKM – center for art and media karlsruhe in the exhibition „Renaissance 3.0“ where Holger Foerterers interactive particel installation „fluidum 1“ inspired this piece of appropriation art by daniela butsch. fluidum 1 is an early example of reactive art. Based on infrared video technology, viewers find themselves in the dual role of viewer and active image creator. The computer programme running in the background abstracts bodies into contours made up of thousands of points of light. This alienating transfer makes something visible that is constantly present in the solidity of the anatomical body but not consciously perceptible: the flowing electrical energy that regulates communication between the cells. The firing of synaptic information sustains life. As with all my moving images, I use the computer and the digital instruments of various programmes to manipulate the parameters of the recorded images. I breathe life into the technology. For „BUCCI IN FLUIDUM“, after completing the almost five-minute loop, I was able to find the right complement to my moving images on the sound level in the composition „butoh“ (2018) by composer and sound artist Dorothee Schabert. (Daniela Butsch, 2023)